My wife and I started going to the Colorado Garden and Home Show after we bought our first house. It was built in 1955 and had been through several remodels. When we bought it, the house had sat empty for several months (it was a slow housing market then), and it needed some love. We went to the "Home Show" and we've made it a regular event since then.
Why? There is so much to see. It's held at the Colorado Convention Center from February 8-16, and it's worth the price of admission, which--by the way--is $12 for seniors and $15 for nonseniors. For those who have kids, 12 and under are free. We just found out that members of the Botanic Gardens get in free with their membership!
The Home Show boasts more than 500 companies exhibiting at this event, from door and window companies to HVAC and landscapers. It's an excellent place to get advice and to save money.
We moved into a "newer" home, built in 1968, and though it had been remodeled, we needed new windows. Sure enough, we found a distributor at the Home Show and saved money with a "show special." A few years later, we needed a new furnace, and again, we saved money by signing with an HVAC company.
The other aspect is, of course, the garden part. There are eight gardens throughout the venue, and one is sponsored by Colorado State University and provides a wealth of information and advice about gardening in Colorado. I recommend it as a "must see" place.
What's nice about the garden part of the Home Show is seeing what might be possible in your own yards and talking with different nurseries that can help you make it happen. Colorado soil can be difficult, especially with clay in it, so talking with different experts can help you determine what can--and can't--grow.
There are smaller vendors too selling candles, microfiber cloths, yard art. Sometimes jewelry vendors are there as well as clothing vendors. And if you're in the market for a hot tub, there are a number of vendors who want to talk with you!
If you're interested in some home remodeling, I recommend going there and shopping for ideas. Take pictures if the vendors will allow it. This way, when you're reading to talk, you can show me (or another remodeler) what you want.
Although my wife and I haven't decided which day we'll go, we know we'll be there. I know she has some projects she's considering. Maybe we'll bump into one another. If so, make sure to say "hi."
Here's a link for the show:
